
How It Works

Register. Fundraise (team target: $3,500). Pull Hard. Have Fun. Make an Impact.

Every dollar raised has an impact on Canadians that must travel for medical care. The full-cost of a typical trip for medical care (round trip flight, accommodations, meals and rides) is roughly $1,000 - so each $1,000 your team raises will help one family in need.

And … going above and beyond helps position you for success. We get it: you’re here to pull the plane quicker than your competitors, but our ultimate Haul for Hope champion will be the team with the highest fundraising total and pull time combined. Our top fundraising team at each site receives 12 points. Second place receives 11. Same goes for pull speed, and best combined score wins.

Expect great prizes for being a great fundraiser. Each site will have a winner for our trip for two and hotel stay provided by our Western Canada Haul for Hope presenting partner WestJet. Earn one entry for every $500 you raise. Our top teams will win the Gift of Flight: a symbolic contribution to Hope Air’s patient travel program, with custom updates and reporting on the patient you support throughout the year



At each site, our 12 teams will pull for 12 real Hope Air patients who live hundreds or even thousands of kilometres from the care they need. Through the event ramp up process and in person on event day, you’ll learn about their stories and the direct impact you have on their ability to access care.

Think pulling a plane 100 metres sounds tough? Try battling cancer with 16 hour car rides to and from appointments, or raising tens of thousands of dollars to support recurring treatments. Or managing your condition without any treatment at all because you can’t get there. Those are the alternatives our Hope Air patients face without your support. On event day, you’ll pull for them in spirit with custom, personal touches to remind you of the importance of your efforts.


Let’s break it down! Your team fundraising goal is $3,500. Whether that is through a corporate gift, personal fundraising, or both you’ll just need to hit a $3,500 team target to participate.

An easy example: your team has 10 people. That’s each personraising $175, and your company matching it. $1,750 x 2 = $3,500!

But don’t stop there… every dollar you raise has an impact on Canadians that must travel for medical care. The full-cost of a typical trip for medical care (round trip flight, accommodations, meals and rides) is roughly $1,000 - so each $1,000 your team raises helps one family in need.